our products

We have a vast range of products that are well packed in zip lock bags and cans. Available product types are infusion, powder, dried vegetables, dried fruit, masala chips and cookies. And we will introduce much more in near future. Bulk and retail purchasing are available. Please contact us for more information.


Infusion is  made with dried herbs or flowers. Dried herbs and flowers have had their moisture removed, which concentrates their flavors and nutrients.  They release their active ingredients more quickly and easily than fresh herbs or flowers. We have a vast range of infusions that come as tea bags.


We introduce lots of powder of vegetables and natural flavors such as curry leaf powder, garlic powder and ginger powder. These products can be used to color and to increase the flavor of curries.

dried vegetables

Dried vegetables are vegetables that have been dehydrated, meaning that they have had most of their water removed. This process preserves the vegetables and makes them shelf-stable for long periods of time. Curries can be prepared easily without any mess.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits are fruits that have been dehydrated, meaning that they have had most of their water removed. This process preserves the fruits and makes them shelf-stable for long periods of time. Dried fruits can be use as snacks.


Another few savory items from HAS Ceylon are bites that are made out of jackfruit. They come in two packages. One is transparent and the other one is covered. Be Aware you will get addicted! 😉

for bulk & retail purchasing